While I like the food update as it prevents power creep, the building upgrade limits feel a bit low, and the troop food consumption seems unbalanced. At prestige 2, my maximum food production is 10,532/h, with max level bakery and farmhouse.

This means that I can have, at maximum:
5,266 infantry (158k attack power)
3,510 assasins (526k attack power)
(or other types of troops, but you get the idea)

To me, this seems unbalanced. I understand that assassins are a higher level troop (costing 4x more, and taking 10x as long to recruit), however, it feels like the food cost only being 1.5x that of infantry forces you into using infantry. Maybe this is your intention, it just feels off to me? Am I intended to be required to manually purchase food? Are frames the intended way to get better food production? they seem really overpowered compared to building upgrades.

    You aren’t intended to purchase food nor grind for frames to get better food production but the drop rates are so high that you can easily get a bakery frame for a permanent +8% food prod.

    However, I do feel it is a bit unbalanced as infantries take 2 food per hour and assassins take 3 whereas infantries do 30 attack damage and assassins do 150. I’m going to pass this over to our @Game Design team and you can have a chat with them.

    My opinion is that we do lower the food infantries take and for other troops aswell depending on their rates. I would not recommend lowering artilleries rate as I strongly believe that would make it the best troop for the food/hr.

    Before the food update, people were mass recruiting artilleries because of the low time and good amount of damage, now it’s changed back to assassins.

    CozmoKitten it becomes more than overpowered on prestige 5. this is all so that people are more active and actually play prestige 5. also i don’t suggest feeding attacking troops cuz after all you will only spam events or npcs unless you are in war. so i suggest to feed defensive troops all the time , and attacking troops will feed themselves through looting while you are active. even if they die you can recruit again considering that after all, events don’t take that much dmg, but neither do the npcs. Also defensive troops give more points to prestige etc..

      primedust interesting, I had never though of it that way. ig it makes sense. is there a way to prioritize feeding for a specific troop type?

      • Neil replied to this.

        CozmoKitten Nope, the bot starts from Infantries and ends with Kings Guards.