Hey ya'll.
This is more of a feedback thread than saying "We did bad updates". There are no actual bugs or flaws with both the updates.
As you might've known we've released 2 updates with the start of the new year 2024. It's been a pretty hectic start of the month and I've seen that the actual quality of updates is not upto our standards.
Let's talk about the recent update, The Market Update, even though we've spent more than 40+ hours polishing it, making it work well it's still not up to our standards. There are still some little issues that need to be addressed, these issues aren't bugs, or things that we've just not added. These issues are decision based issues.
When we talk about some decision based issues, that means that we've not certainly decided on what this certain feature is meant to do. I can only remember one issue and that's when a Sell Offer is lower (in price) than the Buy Order, our algorithm still wouldn't fulfill the Buy Order, even though it should as that's pretty self explanatory to many of you.
Now, I will come clean, these updates were planned after 1st Janaury, meaning not much time for us to actually re-think the update, see if it's something we should implement or not. We got a bit carried away.
I'm not saying that we didn't make these updates like we wanted to, we made them how we wanted to perfectly fine. Everything is according to documentation done by our Creative Team (it's just Dust lol) and I have changed some stuff (informing dust ofcourse). The updates are good quality, just not the one I'd like. I'm someone who goes for the best quality updates ever possible.
I just want your guys' opinion on these following "decision based questions":
- Should sell offers fulfill higher price (per item) buy orders?
- Should we add a "Trading Value" to each item (Context: Right now, if there are no orders for one item, the "Best Offer" would be 1 ruby per price, adding this could change that.)
- Should buildings count towards Prestiging? Such that all buildings will also give you points and you need a certain amount of points to be able to prestige, like the Registration Date. (Original Suggestion was all buildings should be upgraded to max level to be able to prestige)