primedust Losing to an NPC or event shouldn't give you any type of loot , not tokens either : 1.NPCs 2.Events After prestige, a user should actually start from NPC level 1 and not NPC level 0: 1.BEGOLOT'S ATTACK EXAMPLE /vote command doesn't reward after successfully voting on Top.GG
Neil /vote command should be fixed now (tested) As far for the other issues, I will have to implement a fix which will probably happen later tonight or tomorrrow. Current WoS Version: 1.9.1
Neil Tokens are now not dropped when you lose a NPC or Event NPC attack. Upon prestiging, users start from NPC Level 1. /vote was fixed with version 1.9.1 WoS Version: 1.9.3
Liam It seems as if the drop rates for tokens in the npc are 100%, please verify as they should be 50% according to the announcement