Hey all!
We have a new website!
Yep, that’s true, we have a new & shiny looking website setup! Check it out at https://willofsteel.me
Domain Change
As many of you may have noticed, we are performing a Domain Change. All of our previous domains (.wos.itsneil.tech) are now shifted to our new domain (.willofsteel.me).
All webapps will automatically redirect to the new domain. If you are currently utilizing the Will of Steel API, you will have to update the URL to api.willofsteel.me
starting tomorrow.
Email Change
We haven’t fully announced any of our support emails as we knew that we’d get a domain for it soon. Our official support emails are:
If you would like to contact me or @primedust personally, here are our emails:
@Neil - neil@willofsteel.me
@primedust - dust@willofsteel.me
Thank you and have a great day!