Finished POST /market
200 OK expected response:
Query Parameters:
Finished POST /market
200 OK expected response:
Query Parameters:
DEVELOPMENT OF v0.2 HAS CONCLUDED. All messages from this point forward will be related to v0.3
Renamed to Staff Diary v1.0 from v0.2 by @Neil
Neil That’s fair. I like the /notifications idea, but it would also be helpful to know when my recruits are over? Maybe a /activeRecruits that returns a list of active recruits including the troop type and a unix timestamp of the completion time? would also like this as a feature (using discord timestamps) through a command. i don’t know if this is possible with however the bot is coded, but it would be useful
CozmoKitten The bot informs you in DMs when your recruit will end, also you get the usual “Troops Recruited” embed when they’re finished. That is if you’ve got notifications on.
We’ve pushed out an emergency patch fixing troop types in /recruit
. Before this, the endpoint would accept invalid troop types. For now, all the invalid troop types are removed from our queue, compensation will be given if recruit is worth more than 1,000,000 Gold.
Version: v0.2.1
not showing/forge
expected response showing a few fields as integer instead of bool.Hey! I was working on my API GUI, and I have a couple suggestions for endpoints (including some ideas talked about previously:
/inventory: I want this as both an API endpoint and a discord command. It should list all the items I have, including frames, peace birds, tokens, skins, and mystery scroll
/market/list: lists all items that can be bought and sold on the market
/market/buy_offer & /market_sell_offer & /market/buy_instantly & /market/sell_instantly: I can see why you might not want them, but it would be nice
/forge: do forging. Doesn’t seem useful enough to be botted
/apply: apply frames
/frames: returns applied frames
/commanders & /fire & /millitary: commander related commands as on the discord
/withdraw & /deposit: add and remove money from alliance bank
@CozmoKitten I have merged your post into here. For any suggestions/feedback please post here.
Inventory: Yes, we will be adding it both as an endpoint and a command.
Market List: This is already a feature, please check it out here
Market Offers: This might be added, might not. Will be talked upon with @primedust
Forge: Already being added
Application: Already being added
Frames: There is no way to see these in the discord bot as of yet, so until then. Not going to be added, afterwards, probably.
Commands: Already planned
Withdraw and Deposit: Not going to be added till there’s no feature.
Neil The market endpoint doesn’t list items available on the market, it lists offers and prices. I want an endpoint that returns all item ids that can be listed
Id also like a food/hour feature and building levels/upgrades to be added
I know this may feel like an extra comment, but I wanted to add to what Neil said.
CozmoKitten I don’t think we will be added food/hour as of now since that is calculated dynamically everywhere we use it (/treasure and food addition) and yes, Building Levels and Upgrades will be added.
for retrieving Player’s Inventory/Items/army
for retrieving player’s army/verify
(hidden) for verifying key & headers’/outpost/list
for listing all outposts.Documentation for all new endpoints is available at
for retrieving player inventoryget_player_army()
for retrieving player armyrecruit_troop()
for recruiting a troopget_outposts()
for retrieving all outposts/buildings